“It takes a village to raise a child.” While the local baker and hoteliers in Graubünden will not, as this old saying implies, literally take care of your children for you, there are a wide range of crèches, childcare offerings and projects for young people. They all have one goal – to enrich family’s lives and make them easier.
Four projects for children and young people
The following list is an extract of projects for families, children and young people in Graubünden. You’ll find links to many other organisations and activities at the end of the article.
«Bisch fit?»
“Put your phone down and go outside and play”: it’s a sentence many parents are familiar with. Learning about exercise and healthy eating through play is an important part of growing up. Visit “Bisch fit?”, the information platform for health and well-being run by the Graubünden Public Health Authority, to find out about the numerous health and exercise opportunities across the canton for children, adults and senior citizens. Our municipalities have plenty of spaces to let off steam, such as active schools, preschools and crèches, as well as other places to meet and exercise, like pump tracks or open sports halls.
Together with municipalities, schools and other actors, the Graubünden Public Health Authority supports infrastructure to promote a healthy lifestyle for everyone in Graubünden.
Famur – for families in Graubünden
With the help of famur, it won’t take long for you to find a day family or private childcare. The Graubünden specialist in childcare, family support offers and services also operates its own day-care centre known as “fägnäscht”. Odette Giovanoli, Managing Director of famur, says: “Having professional childcare is essential for the attractiveness of Graubünden as a place to work and live, which is why we are continuously expanding our offerings and working together closely with companies in the canton. For example, we offer very flexible care models that are also available at the weekend or over nights. This is particularly appreciated by parents who work in shifts.”
Day-care centres
The country stereotype whereby roles are divided in a traditional manner simply isn't true in Graubünden. With 40 different day-care centres, Graubünden ensures that all parents can combine family and work. With the broad array of offerings of day-care centres, crèches, after-school centres and day-care families, the canton places value on ensuring children have a structured day while their parents work.
Youth work and skate park
The children and youth support umbrella association jugend.gr was founded in 2005 and is dedicated to providing children and young people with a variety of offerings throughout the canton. As a specialist association, jugend.gr is a point of contact and advice for sponsors, municipalities, experts and individuals. In addition, jugend.gr also offers training, information and networking opportunities for matters related to youth work, youth culture, prevention and participation. “We have a broad range of opportunities in the area of youth work for the canton of Graubünden, including temporary initiatives such as JugendMobil, and long-term projects such as Voilà Graubünden, an addiction prevention programme and Partizipation, a programme to help young people participate at the municipal level,” says Samuel Gilgen, the Director of jugend.gr.
It is even better, of course, when young people can become involved in the process on their own and be active in an area they are interested in. This is precisely what led to the creation of the Val Müstair youth room and the skate park Obere Au – a youth initiative was started, the municipality listened, looked into the idea and, ultimately, acted on it. That’s how community works!
Further information about family and childcare in Graubünden
Die Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit ist eines der Hauptanliegen der Gesundheitsförderung.
Der HEV setzt sich für eine eigentumsfreundliche Politik ein.
Der Kanton Graubünden verfügt über fünf Rehabilitationskliniken.
Das Schweizerische Rote Kreuz Graubünden setzt sich für Menschen ein, die in Not geraten, deren Würde oder Gesundheit bedroht oder verletzt ist oder die aus dem sozialen Leben ausgeschlossen sind.
Die Hochgebirgsklinik Davos befindet sich im Kanton Graubünden, inmitten von Wäldern und Bergen direkt am Davosersee.
Zu den stationären Behandlungsschwerpunkten gehören die Akut- und Rehabilitationspsychiatrie, die Gerontopsychiatrie sowie die Psychotherapie.
Die Privatklinik MENTALVA der Psychiatrischen Dienste Graubünden (PDGR) liegt inmitten der Natur am Fusse des Piz Beverin im Kanton Graubünden.
Als Zentrumsspital der Südostschweiz verfügt das Kantonsspital Graubünden über ein vielseitiges medizinisches und chirurgisches Angebot.
StadtLandReha: Ihre Hilfe bei der Suche für die geeignete Rehaklinik in der Schweiz.
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