In Graubünden, we’re proud of the good Swiss school system. But alongside the primary schools, apprenticeships, upper secondary schools and universities of applied sciences that can be found throughout Switzerland, Graubünden offers something unique: multilingualism. Learn more about the advantages of this and the educational opportunities available to your children.
While it is true that Graubünden is a mountainous canton, long bus rides and adventurous journeys to school are a myth. Most Graubünden municipalities have their own primary school, including kindergarten. It is only necessary for children to travel to a larger area for school when they reach the secondary level.
Switching to a school in Graubünden: what to keep in mind
Moving with school age children from another canton is no problem. Thanks the harmonisation of the Swiss school system, there are uniform compulsory education requirements. But your children will experience something here that is not available in any other canton: the unique multilingualism of the canton of Graubünden. Depending on the region, the school language may be German, Italian or Romansh. But this needn’t be cause for concern. Projects like Remedial education for speakers of other languages provide targeted assistance to children learning a school language that is different from their native language and offers them additional support.
Italian and Romansh are not only official national languages. They also offer your children a valuable foundation for learning other Romance languages, such as French or Spanish. You benefit in two ways: you help to maintain the linguistic diversity of Switzerland while promoting your children’s language skills.
Technical support programmes
Support programmes in the area of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are helping to educate the future geniuses of Graubünden!
- The First Lego League introduces children to science and technology through play, facilitates access to scientific subjects and awakens an interest in engineering or IT professions at an early age.
- The MINT-Academy offers courses for children in the fields of computer science, technology and natural sciences and imparts in-depth technical knowledge for the MINT specialists of the future.
Many apprentices and even more apprenticeships
After completing compulsory school, the big question is: secondary school or an apprenticeship? The trend in Graubünden is clear. Around 80% of pupils in Graubünden choose a vocational education. However, future apprentices need not worry about finding an apprenticeship. Quite the contrary. Not all apprenticeships available in Graubünden have been filled in recent years, and some employers have had to make do without new young employees. Let’s change this! Your children have plenty of options for their vocational education, from small traditional companies to large modern corporations.
Diversity of upper secondary schools
Would your child like to learn more after completing compulsory education? Graubünden offers a number of options for those hungry for more knowledge. One option is to obtain a federal academic baccalaureate from one of the many Graubünden upper secondary schools. Among others, the renowned educational institutions include the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz and the Gymnasium Kloster Disentis. Graubünden youths learn alongside an international student body from more than 35 other countries.
Support for talented athletes and musicians
The large number of successful Graubünden athletes makes it clear: we provide targeted support to athletes and musicians. The Sport-Gymnasium Davos is the ideal place for laying the foundation for a promising career. Ambitious musicians will find the optimal balance of academics and music at the Evangelische Mittelschule Schiers.
The diverse array of offerings is rounded out by the upper-secondary specialised schools, business schools and universities of applied sciences. Thus, Graubünden offers youths and young adults a wide range of educational opportunities in the canton, so it’s not absolutely necessary to leave the canton for higher education.
Further information about the school system in Graubünden
Unter dem Dach des Amtes für Kultur wirken verschiedene Institutionen im Bereich der Kultur zusammen, die der Bevölkerung eine Vielfalt von Angeboten und Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung stellen.
Die kantonale Kulturförderung vergibt einmalig gesprochene Beiträge an Projekte in unterschiedlichen Sparten. Es werden experimentelle, volkstümliche und etablierte Kulturaktivitäten und Kunstformen aus verschiedenen Bereichen unterstützt
Mit offenen Strukturen entwickeln wir die grünliberale Bewegung stetig weiter und machen die Schweiz fit für die Zukunft.
Oberste leitende und vollziehende Behörde ist die Regierung. Sie besteht aus fünf Mitgliedern.
Der Bündner Kunstverein fördert bildende Kunst und ihre mediale Vielfalt.
Bei uns finden Sie ein breitgefächertes Informationsangebot zu integrationsrelevanten Fragestellungen und wir verweisen Sie an Stellen oder Fachpersonen, die Sie bei Ihrem Anliegen unterstützen können.
Die SVP Graubünden ist die jüngste SVP Sektion der Schweiz; sie hat sich ehrgeizige Ziele gesteckt und arbeitet tagtäglich daran diese auch zu erreichen.