Education and research Innovation, interconnected
Science with perspective

For a long time now, Graubünden has been more than just a popular holiday destination – it has also become an exciting centre for education and research. The canton is home to the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, which offers a wide range of cutting-edge programmes and courses, while international companies of global renown have also chosen to set up in Graubünden.

Have you ever dreamed of pursuing your personal and professional goals in a place that also boasts stunning mountain vistas and spectacular hiking trails? Then Graubünden is the place for you. From unique courses of study and support programmes for scientists to excellent observatories, we are fully equipped to cater for researchers and innovative thinkers from any scientific field.

Education and research

Space for development

Education and research

Artificial intelligence from Graubünden for the world

It takes over the world in sci-fi films, but in reality it is still in its infancy: artificial intelligence. In Graubünden, future developers, doctors and avalanche experts, among others, are working on making the technology future-proof for the health system, our nature and society. But why do we need artificial intelligence at all?

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Education and research

Setting off on the holidays of the future

When we think of Graubünden, we think of nature, skiing and relaxation. Graubünden is breathing easy. Graubünden is enjoyment. Graubünden means holiday. And this has been the case for eons. But new digital technologies, the growing threat of climate change and changing visitor needs beg the question: what will holidays in Graubünden look like in the future?

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Education and research

When robots suddenly speak Romansh

Alongside the ibexes and imposing mountain ranges, the Rhaeto-Romanic language is an intrinsic part of Graubünden. However, the fourth national language is endangered, spoken by just 0.5 per cent of people. Now the emerging research community in Graubünden wants to solve this and other social problems through data.

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Bilden und forschen

Being and staying healthy – today and in the future

One of the largest research areas in Graubünden is the medical and healthcare sector. In addition to scientific work, particular emphasis is placed on the training and development of future generations of scientists and doctors.

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Bilden und forschen

Permanently in flux: nature comes with hazards

Splinter stones that become projectiles. Boulders that jump up to 20 metres high. The headlines on the landslide in Brienz were explosive. And many people asked themselves: How can we protect ourselves from natural hazards? But how can we also ensure that nature remains as intact as possible despite climate change and human intervention?

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Living in Graubünden
At home in Graubünden

Along with attractive and innovative jobs in Switzerland’s largest canton, you can also find a home. Attractive living situations, diverse educational opportunities and a wide range of leisure time activities with associations, clubs and cultural offerings are awaiting you and your family. And all that naturally in the midst of regenerating nature.


Life in Graubünden is defined by contrasts: nature coalesces with innovation, community with individualism, and culture with lifestyle – a mixture that lets each individual and the community flourish. Find out what makes the canton an ideal place to live.


Further information about living in Graubünden.