
Alpine tranquillity and team spirit: insights into everyday working life at Clinica Holistica Engiadina

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A look behind the scenes at Clinica Holistica

The Clinica Holistica is not only a special place for patients, but also for its employees. Patrizia Eicher, Assistant Psychologist, and Roberto La Marca, Chief Psychologist, discussing alpine tranquillity and team spirit at the clinic.

What’s different about working at Clinica Holistica Engiadina?

I’m part of an interdisciplinary team, and we’re lucky enough to have some really great people here. I think what I value most is the way we work together and share our ideas. Clinica Holistica is a small organisation, and that means there’s something of a family atmosphere about the place, which makes for an even better working environment. Then there’s our location, right in the heart of the Alps, which helps our clients with their recovery and makes the clinic a special place to work.


Patrizia Eicher, Assistant Psychologist


Clinica Holistica specialises in the treatment of stress-related diseases. Isn’t that a bit one-sided?

Not at all! In fact, because the clinic specialises in burnout and stress-related disorders, we have therapists from a wide range of fields working together on the same topic. This allows me to benefit enormously from the attitude, expertise and methodology of my colleagues. We share our thoughts and learn from each other every day, and that’s reinforced with in-house training and supervision sessions, which can cover a range of disciplines.


Roberto La Marca, Chief Psychologist


How do you interact with colleagues from other disciplines?

We’re quite good at sharing information with colleagues from other disciplines. We use our daily team meetings to exchange ideas and discuss the next steps in the various courses of therapy. That said, it’s not always easy to coordinate all therapies and settle on a standardised approach to individual courses of treatment as a team.


Patrizia Eicher, Assistant Psychologist

The clinic takes a holistic approach to therapy: does that also have an impact on you as a therapist?

Having to consider various methods of therapy has certainly broadened my horizons in a professional sense. I’ve developed a keen understanding of how important it is to include multiple aspects in the treatment of stress-related disorders, and I’ve grown both professionally and personally as a result. The holistic approach of Clinica Holistica has sharpened my view of the complexity of therapies and increased my sensitivity to the different needs of our clients.


Patrizia Eicher, Assistant Psychologist


And what’s it like working away from the city?

My family and I moved to Graubünden when I took this job. Ever since, I’ve made a conscious effort to spend more time in the great outdoors, whether in my free time or at work. For example, if I think it’ll be beneficial for the patient, I’ll take them for a walk during their consultation, or we’ll sit on a bench somewhere out in the countryside. I also find being outdoors gives me inner peace and strength, both mentally and physically speaking. I even enjoy my daily commute: the train is never too crowded, and the views along the way are just incredible!


Roberto La Marca, Chief Psychologist


So, be honest: how often are you stressed at work?

Stress is part of life – even boredom can be stressful! So in that sense, I always look forward to the next challenge and the opportunity to grow that comes along with it. But I never feel overwhelmed. If it should ever come to that, I know that I can rely on my team and the whole clinic. Just like the other way around.


Roberto La Marca, Chief Psychologist

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