
Snacking conquers Switzerland:

The best recipe ideas for Bündnerfleisch

The traditional lunch with a starter, main course and dessert is becoming increasingly rare. Our modern, urban lifestyle is changing, and so too are our eating habits. We no longer eat every meal at the same table. Instead, we switch between working from home and in the office, squeeze in a training session at the gym in the evening or grab a snack on the go in the park. This means we no longer eat large main meals, but rather a number of smaller meals spread out across the day. This trend is known as “snackification” and has been brought to Switzerland from the USA.

But it hasn’t got anything to do with snacks such as biscuits, chocolate bars or crisps. The focus is on high-quality food, rather than fatty and salty ultra-processed foods. The new snacks are healthy, filling and fast. What could be better than the original Swiss Bündnerfleisch? The naturally conserved meat from the Grisons mountains has a high protein content and is rich in essential nutrients. Its distinctive and delicious taste comes from the traditional production process and the unique seasoning mixture. Whether you’re a high-performance athlete, a parent with hungry kids or a landscape gardener: Bündnerfleisch is highly versatile and tastes great at any time of day.


Try the following 3 recipe ideas:

1. Bündnerfleisch rolls with cream cheese

2. rustic sandwich with Bündnerfleisch

3. colored bento box with Bündnerfleisch

1. For an afternoon snack: Bündnerfleisch rolls with cream cheese

We’re all familiar with it: that mid-afternoon drop in energy levels that can really knock you out. Make it a thing of the past with this delicious snack. Creamy Bündnerfleisch rolls with cream cheese and zesty rocket give you a dose of energy when you need it most and keep you feeling full for longer. This will give you more than enough fuel in the tank to finish your projects, have fun with your kids in the playground or go for a long run in the woods. But that’s not all: they taste so good that you can also serve them up to guests as an appetiser.

Recipe for 1–2 people:
Bündnerfleisch rolls with cream cheese



  • 10 slices of Bündnerfleisch
  • 70 g cream cheese (e.g. Cantadou or Philadelphia)
  • 100 g washed rocket or lettuce


  1. Unroll the Bündnerfleisch slices and spread cheese over them.
  2. Distribute the rocket over the slices and roll them up carefully.

This snack is gluten-free, rich in protein and contains healthy fibres. For a lactose-free variant, simply use lactose-free or vegan cream cheese.

→ Perfect as a healthy afternoon snack at work, as an appetiser, or as a quick bite before sports.

2. A delicious snack on the go: traditional Bündnerfleisch sandwich

These days, we live our lives in lots of different places. We commute to and from work, take the kids to sports practice, and meet our friends for a walk by the river. Wherever you are, a traditional sandwich made from the finest Bündnerfleisch is the ideal solution: you can prepare it at home and take it anywhere you like, and it gives you the necessary boost of valuable proteins – at any time of day.

Bündnerfleisch is a natural source of protein: 100 grammes of Bündnerfleisch contains 40 grammes. When combined with a sourdough or wholemeal bread roll, this sandwich will give you the necessary energy when you’re out and about. Just pop your sandwich in a paper bag along with a serviette and your delicious snack is good to go!

Recipe for 2 Bündnerfleisch sandwiches



  • 8 slices of Bündnerfleisch
  • 4 slices of sourdough or wholemeal bread
  • A little butter (optional)
  • 4 tbsp green pesto (optional)
  • 5-6 dried tomatoes
  • 50 g washed rocket or lettuce
  • 50 g grated cheese, e.g. Sbrinz (optional)



  1. Set out the slices of bread on a board. If you enjoy a roasted flavour, simply toast them a little.

  2. If you like, you can also spread some butter and green pesto on the slices of bread.

  3. Put the Bündnerfleisch slices on top of the pesto.

  4. Cut the dried tomatoes in half and place them over the Bündnerfleisch.

  5. Add rocket or lettuce.

  6. Top off with some grated or sliced cheese, if you like.

Wrap tightly in sandwich paper and place in a bag. Tie up with some string if you’re going to be on the go for a while – this will keep everything in place.

This snack is rich in protein, contains healthy bitter substances and fibres and keeps you feeling full for a long time. For a lactose-free option, you can use hard cheese, which is already naturally lactose-free (mature cheeses such as hard, semi-hard and some soft cheeses are typically lactose-free).

→ Perfect as a healthy, filling snack between meals, when travelling or for a picnic by the lake.

3. For a mid-morning snack: a colourful bento box with Bündnerfleisch

The Japanese show us how it’s done: They arrange visually appealing snacks inside a bento box, normally a stainless steel box with multiple compartments. They choose from a wide range of ingredients such as proteins (e.g. fish), filling carbohydrates (e.g. rice) and fresh vegetables. They drape the colourful components around the box in a visually appealing way, turning every snack into something special. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do here!

The star of our bento box is, of course, our Bündnerfleisch. We complement it with crunchy almonds, Swiss rustic bread and fresh cucumbers. This not only looks visually stunning, but also tastes great, even when you’re filling a hole in your stomach at work or giving the kids a boost at break time.

You can prepare bento boxes any way you like – and also conveniently use up whatever you have lying around in the kitchen cupboards or the fridge. The basic ingredients in a varied bento box might look something like this:

Something crunchy: almonds, hazelnuts, seeds
Something with protein: Bündnerfleisch or cheese cubes
Something filling: slices of bread, some rice or pasta salad
Something fresh: cucumber, carrots or tomatoes
Something sweet: dried apple rings, grapes or berries

Recipe for 1 bento box with Bündnerfleisch:



  • 5–8 slices of Bündnerfleisch
  • 25 g almonds, or alternatively tree nuts or hazelnuts
  • 1–2 small slices of rustic bread, toasted for a more roasted flavour
  • 10 small cheese cubes, e.g. Bündner alpine cheese, cream cheese or Gruyère
  • A couple of dried apple rings, or alternatively berries or grapes (optional)
  • 6 mini cucumbers or 1 large cucumber cut into chunky slices


  1. Roll up 5–8 slices of Bündnerfleisch and place into the bento box.
  2. Add 25 g almonds.
  3. Place 1–2 small slices of rustic bread into the box.
  4. Add 10 small cheese cubes.
  5. Put a couple of dried apple rings into the box.
  6. Add 6 mini cucumbers.

Thanks to the Bündnerfleisch and the cheese, this bento box contains lots of protein (40 grammes of protein from 100 grammes of dried meat!) and will therefore keep you nice and full for a long time. For a gluten-free option, simply replace the bread with rice, sesame crackers or gluten-free bread.

→ Perfect as a healthy lunch at work, a snack box for the kids, or a quick, light meal before training.

Bündnerfleisch Production